Business Studies take a student to a new level towards running the business step-up. The overall curriculum in this subject is quite interesting. In today’s times, there are many home tutors available of Business Studies for class XII who help students in their doubts.
Session wise Curriculum:
The Business Studies course curriculum for Grade XII for home tuitions has been introduced keeping the NCERT and CBSE syllabus in mind. The Business Studies home tutors teach it while going along with the school syllabus. Tentative session wise Business Studies course curriculum for class XII is as following:
Nature and Significance of Management
- Management - concept, objectives and importance, Management as Science, Art and Profession, Levels of management
- Management functions - planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling
- Coordination - concept, characteristics and importance, Principles of Management-concept, nature and significance, Fayol’s principles of management, Taylor’s Scientific Management - principles and techniques
Management and Business Environment
- Business Environment - concept and importance, Dimensions of Business Environment - Economic, Social, Technological, Political and Legal
- Impact of Government policy changes on business with special reference to liberalization, privatization and globalisation in India. Planning, Concept, importance and limitations, Planning process
- Single use and Standing Plans - Objectives, Strategy, Policy, Procedure, Method, Rule, Budget and Programme.
Organising, Concept and importance, Organising Process, Structure of organization - functional and divisional.
- Formal and informal organization.
- Delegation: concept, elements and importance. Decentralization: concept and importance, Staffing, Concept and importance of staffing, Staffing as a part of Human Resource Management
- Staffing process: Recruitment - sources; Selection - process, Training and Development - Concept and importance. Methods of training- on the job and off the job- Induction training, vestibule training, apprenticeship training and internship training.
- Concept and importance, Elements of Directing: - Supervision - concept, functions of a supervisor.; - Motivation - Concept, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; Financial and non-financial incentives.; - Leadership - concept, styles - authoritative, democratic and laissen faire.; - Communication - concept, formal and informal communication; barriers to effective; communication, how to overcome the barriers, Controlling, Concept, nature and importance, Relationship between planning and controlling
- Steps in the process of control
Financial Management
- Concept and objectives of financial management. Financial decisions : investment, financing and dividend and factors affecting. Financial planning - concept and importance. Capital Structure - concept and factors affecting. Fixed and Working Capital - concept and factors affecting their requirements. Financial Markets: concept and types. Money market and its instruments. Capital market and its types (primary and secondary).Stock Exchange - functions and training procedure. Marketing Management, Marketing - concept and functions. Marketing management philosophies. Marketing Mix - concept
- Product - concept, branding, labeling and packaging. Price - factors determining price.
- Consumer Protection, Project Work
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